Learn about the menopause

You probably have a lot of questions about the menopause and our Joyful Menopause Course, hopefully you can find some answers here.

Questions about the menopause

It is the end of a woman’s reproductive life, the opposite to puberty. Eventually the ovaries start to produce so little estrogen that periods stop. Once periods have stopped for a year the menopause is diagnosed.

The average age of menopause in the UK is 51 years old.
The menopause is classed as 12 months after the last period. The perimenopause is the period of time running up to the menopause when hormones are fluctuating and ultimately declining. The peri menopause usually lasts for four years but can go on for as long as ten years.
It is common for women to be unaware that they are in the peri menopause which is why it is very helpful to know what the symptoms are. There are a wide variety of symptoms, a total of 34 symptoms are most commonly quoted but some studies quote far more. The symptoms are very varied and include, fatigue, anxiety, depression, brain fog, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, mood swings, problems with the bladder, headaches, irregular periods and many more.
Hot flushes – over 70% of women suffer from hot flushes as they go through the perimenopause.

When menstrual periods stop as a result of surgical removal of the ovaries, or damage caused to the ovaries by chemotherapy, radiation and other treatments. Women who have an induced menopause can experience more severe symptoms for a period of time as the change in hormones is more abrupt.

Used to describe menopause that comes well before the average age of menopause (officially classed as 40 years or younger). Sometimes it can be as early as teens, 20s, 30s and even early 40s. Premature menopause affects one in a hundred women under the age of 40.

As well as controlling the menstrual cycle, there are oestrogen receptors all over the body. As a result when oestrogen declines, women are more at risk of a number of health conditions including, osteoporosis (weak bones), type 2 diabetes, heart disease and depression.
Exercise regularly, manage our stress levels, eat a healthy balanced diet rich in fibre and low in processed food and sugar.

This is an individual decision and you should discuss your symptoms and any potential health issues with your GP or a hormone specialist. For many the benefits of taking body identical HRT (as opposed to synthetic HRT) far outweigh the small risks. The benefits for many include easing and even complete relief of perimenopausal symptoms as well as protecting bone and heart health.

An estimated 5.78 million women of perimenopausal or menopausal age are currently working in the UK.
Bupa research revealed that almost one million women have left their jobs due to their menopausal symptoms whilst others had to resort to taking long term sickness absence to manage their symptoms.
By making menopause an open conversation in the workplace, by implementing a menopause policy and offering awareness training for all employees. Offering deeper wellbeing training programs for employees who are suffering with menopausal symptoms.

The fastest growing demographic in the workplace is menopausal women. A quarter of these women will suffer symptoms that are debilitating and may force them to stop working. With support at work, this can be avoided and as a result their experience and talent will be retained in the organisation.

Questions about our Joyful Menopause course

This course is for you if:

  • you are a little way off peri menopause/ on the cusp and are worried about what lies ahead
  • you think you are in the peri menopause and would like to learn how to take charge of your health for this stage and beyond
  • you are most definitely in the peri menopause and are experiencing a range of symptoms
A group confidentiality agreement will be discussed at the beginning of the course. There is no pressure to share anything that you are not comfortable sharing.

This course is for all those women left wondering ‘is this the change for me?’

Emma will gently guide you through the emotional and physical aspects of what is happening to you and what you can do to help yourself.

From diet and exercise through to acceptance and embracing what is happening to your body. An amazing, thought provoking course that you shouldn’t miss out on.
